Mathematical models of information concealment cases spreading dynamics in social media


  • Yulia Nakonechna Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine



The realities and needs of the globalizing information society require special attention to the problems of information security, both in a technical sense and in a humanitarian one.Cybernetic space and social media as a partial case of it are a constant struggle for the attention of users and the information impact that can be used for their own purposes in the context of information operations and information wars. The directed influence on various actors of the media, representatives of social groups, producers and consumers of content in conditions of information confrontation can pose a direct threat to human security, the security of cyberspace and the security of the state in general. Thus, detection of tools of information influence during the conduct of information wars as information concealment cases in time, is an important condition for ensuring the state of security of society and the state. The use of analytical approach and mathematical modeling enables to prevent, detect and counteract the concealment of information in cyberspace in the subject area of cybernetic security.






Mathematical methods, models and technologies for secure cyberspace functioning research